First translation... Hey! Say! JUMP

Friday, March 16, 2012 @ Friday, March 16, 2012

This is a translation from an old magazine article in Malaysia!

Even though without an album, is not an exception in establishing their name & gain achievements just like other artists under Johnny Associates.


Hey! Say! JUMP was established after the temporary group Hey! Say! 7 were dismissed. After the search not longer than a year, 10 boys were selected. This J-Pop group is named Hey! Say! JUMP due to the reason all of the members were born in the Heisei era (1989-present). Meanwhile JUMP stands for Johnny Ultra Music Power. Hey! Say! JUMP still has not released any album at the moment. Since their debut about 3 years ago, Hey! Say! JUMP has only been entertaining their fans with singles.

Recently, their tendencies to only release singles have been causing the fans of Hey! Say! JUMP round the world to complain with the management. They have been sending petitions to Johnny Associates to release an album for the band which they have been waiting for a long time. Thousands of fans have signed the petition and have been sent by the Internet. However, Johnny Associates still have not given an answer yet about the matter. They also did not given the reason as to why of Hey! Say! JUMP still have not release and album.

Hey! Say! JUMP is divided into two sub-groups Hey! Say! BEST (Boys Excellent Selected Team) & Hey! Say! 7. Hey! Say! BEST comprises of the senior members that consist of  Yabu Kota, Takaki Yuya, Inoo Kei, Yaotome Hikaru & Arioka Daiki. Meanwhile Hey! Say! 7 compromises of the juniors which are Okamoto Keito, Yamada Ryosuke, Nakajima Yuto, Chinen Yuuri & Morimoto Ryutaro. Just like the main group, every sub-group only releases singles.

  • Ø  Along their carrier, Hey! Say! JUMP have managed to release more than 20 songs in their single.
  • Ø  There are going on a winter concert from December to 6th of January this year.
  • Ø  The current Hey! Say! 7 are not the same with the current Hey! Say! 7.
  • Ø  Other than singing, every member of Hey! Say! JUMP is also involved in various TV shows.

P/S: This article was release just WEEKS before the announcement of JUMP No. 1 album....
(Take that!!!)

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