of hospital trips and reasons

Thursday, March 14, 2013 @ Thursday, March 14, 2013

so, i have always wanted to post for the last few weeks...
but things just get in the way sometime.
i wanted to blog about this sooner but oh well

anyways, the huge reason that i was away is because i had to be hospitalized. even though the hp had wifi, the pain was unbearable!
i'm going to tell you the whole story

it all started like... what? 3 years ago or something..
*I'm not good with memorizing dates... ask my history paper...*

during taekwondo training we had a little incident where i fell and twisted my right ankle. we thought it was fine if we just put ice on it and in a week it will be okay again....
it didn't.....
a few months later, my dad decided to take me to a doctor in a clinic to check it out since i still felt the pain and my movements are limited...
the doctor said it was going to be fine. i just need to bandage it up well and she asked me if i drink milk *since its good for the bone and to make my leg stronger* i said no since i'm allergic to it. so she gave me pills.
that was that... 
 2 year latter, my skills are really doping and everything! when i enter tournaments and during classes, it just hurts! 
then, we went to the clinic again and this time they said we need to go to the hospital to get an x-ray...
and off we go~

the x ray showed nothing serious... in the end, i end up with 6 weeks of doing physiotherapy...
after that, i went back to taekwondo classes...
after a long period of time.... i had it and told my dad that my leg was really disturbing me! 
*i can't even go down the stairs without my leg killing me*
the process went again and this time we end up at the hospital near my house.
this time we went through with a MRI.... it seems that something IS WRONG with my leg!
the first thing that is in the procedure is injecting something *i think it was steroids* if that doesn't work them its time to get the knife!
and we did... apparently i had anterolateral soft tissue impingement... which is just really a part of my ligament didn't heal properly after the fall... (concluding that i had a torn ligament after the fall) 
so the dr went and trimmed it away so that it doesn't  hurt anymore...

now it has been about 2-3 weeks after the operation and it a little better i guess...
i still can't do allot of the activities i used to but the doctor said that it will take a few months... 

me before the op

me after the op 
*oh my milo addiction*
my hair looks terrible...

and after all this... there was a weeding... (i'll save that story for another time... need to get the pictures!)

before i go... i just wanted to share something cute...

and a lost child kyu... *teukie umma, watch over your child!!!*

bye bye!!!!


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