Respect us please
Friday, March 22, 2013 @ Friday, March 22, 2013
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We k/j-pop fans demand respect for our choice of music...
so, this may not be important to allot of people, but since i have a "i-don't-care-what-you-say-i'm-always-right" sister, i just had to voice out my frustrations....

we have heard all those negative comments on them, like their song, their clothes, hair, or you don't even speak the language! and the most heard one from all those hatters is k-pop (or j-pop) is gay...
lets get the records straight shall we?
i have to say... as far as i know, k-pop is a music genre... how, i mean really! enlighten me, how can a music genre be gay??? i really don't know what goes in your head...
sure some of them are all touchy-touchy...
but, that's how they show their somewhat crazy brotherly love...
and most fangirls just love seeing them show it and they are just so freakingly cute like that!!!!
if you say they are gay, then what about the girl groups out there? those woman that you look at their bodies all the time? and what about all those idol that are married and tell openly that they are dating???
next issue... lets see...
language barrier... well to bad for you coz now, there is something called internet, and other international fans that knows chinese, japanese and korean translate them to english...
so, problems solved right?!
and groups like super junior, u-kiss, nu'est, hey!say! JUMP and KAT-TUN have members that speak fluent english!
i know this is personal, but when nu'est came to malaysia for the shout awards, at the red carpet, the mc asked a few questions to them. and they speak in english. i was watching with my sis and she said mockingly " look at them, trying to look like they understand" and i said that since aron is from the us, he speaks fluent english... and she went all bitchy *sorry for that* and said "do i look like i care?" in my mind i was "you're the one that said that and asked me, i'm just saying"
and lastly is just a short one... you don't like their music... just don't listen to it...
i think that is all... i just wanted to vent the things in my mind...
tell me what you think...