TESL Night...

Friday, May 23, 2014 @ Friday, May 23, 2014

In which the girls are finally able to wear something other than baju kurung!

The TESL Night/Dinner was held at Resort Pantai Puteri, Melaka on the 8th of March of 2014
and was coordinated by class MPI020 2F

ooohhhh TESL Night...
where do i even begin with this memory??

so, the dinner was just supposed to be me hanging out with my friends...
about in that week, me and my so said friends were just hanging out in my dorm room
(or to be more accurate, we were lying on the floor while wearing masks)
and while doing so, i was whatsapp-ing a friend/classmate
when suddenly the topic when to on how some people have dates for the dinner...
at first i though that it was just going to be me and my girlfriends...
when he asked me to be his date for the night...
and i said yes...

 and from then on... i just kept dreaming of the dinner night..

soon came the day (or night)
it was wonderful...

The bus came to pick us up in the evening...
(a few hours after the MUET test)


started the event with pictures~
 and so on.. 
the food was okay.. and the video montage was fun, embarrassing and memorable all at the same time~
performance was entertaining as well...
i have to say... the boys at our table was having a little bit too much fun..
(it was as if they were drunk)

finish the event with a few more group photos..

though i have to say...
the bus ride home had to be the highlight of my night...
but that, is a whole other story...

here is a little something...

Till next time,

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