
Wednesday, November 25, 2009 @ Wednesday, November 25, 2009

so tired~! having a headache!!!! want to sleep till night~~~~!!!!
well, that's what I want to shout...
kids, let me tell you now: life is not fare... dakara sa, you have to work to get the simple-es thing on earth...
for example to get what I want, all you need to do is...
1-go to intensive training for 2 hours till night.
2- sleep only for 6 hours.
3- wake up the next day on 6.30am.
4-go for a 2.4km jog with your coach....
5- do more practice non-stop for 3 hours

do that and you will get to relax for the rest of the day~~~~
sounds fun??? BAKA JANAI YO!!!! you need to wake up the next day and repeat the step from 3 to 5 again!!!!!
Johnny-san, take me now~!

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